
Time to Try the Cloud (for Small Business Inventory)

As we’ve discussed in several previous posts, switching to cloud computing can provide big benefits for your small business. Still not sure the time is right? A recent article on says “2014 could be the year that ‘the cloud’ takes over from the local PC/server as the primary platform on which small businesses run.…
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At Home with Stockpile – Online Inventory Management

January is a popular time of year to start getting organized. Perhaps it’s because we spend so much time indoors and we notice just how much clutter we live with on a daily basis. Maybe it’s because we feel like we should make resolutions and getting organized sounds like a worthwhile and very attainable goal.…
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Bringing things into focus. How’s your inventory management?

Anyone who has ever taken a photo only to later find it blurry knows the importance of keeping things in focus. Even a slight adjustment in the wrong direction can blur the scene to the point that things are no longer clear. To really enjoy and appreciate the picture it needs to be in focus…
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Finding Time. Try our Online Inventory Tool!

People often speak of time and how there never seems to be enough of it. Many of us have To Do lists that are never completely checked off. We all struggle at times finding a good work/life balance. The idea of a shorter work week is gaining traction thanks in part to a recent book…
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