Category Archives: Home Inventory

Clean Up, Don’t Get Cleaned Out

As the name implies, cleaning supplies are meant to clean.  All too often, however, they end up cluttering up our shelves, cabinets and other storage spaces. Why does this happen? There can be many reasons. Today, we're going to talk about how you can use Stockpile to avoid this scenario and keep your cleaning products effectively…
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Decluttering for Kids

There are very few people in this world that actually enjoy decluttering and clearing stuff out. For most of us, it's a chore that we'd rather avoid.  Add kids to the equation and the entire task becomes that much more difficult. Most kids are packrats. They want to hold on to their stuff regardless of…
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Avoid Makeup Mistakes

Makeup, like many other products, has a shelf-life.  Bacteria builds up on the products you use causing them to expire. Unfortunately, most of us are guilty of hanging on to products long after their use by date has passed which can lead to infections and worse.  Keep reading for an expiration guideline and to learn…
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Save Your Sanity During a Staggered Move

With the state of the housing market today staggered moves are becoming more and more common. Many homeowners find themselves needing temporary housing because they have to vacate their current home before their new one is ready for them to move in. This situation can make an already stressful situation that much more difficult to…
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