Category Archives: Home Inventory

Found Items

Aha! There it is!! There is a special joy in finding something that you thought you had lost. The longer it has been missing the happier you usually are when you locate it. The best feeling of all, however, would be to simply not misplace items to begin with. Think of the time that you…
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Home Is Where….

Home is supposed to be where the heart is, but all too often it is where the heaps of unused stuff are. How can your home be your safe haven when you feel like the clutter is closing in on you and you can seldom find what you need when you need it?  Now, we're…
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Better Brewing

According to the American Homebrewers Association there are an estimated 1.2 million home brewers in the United States.  Craft breweries are cropping up everywhere but people still have the desire to brew their own custom beers at home. All that brewing requires a number of raw ingredients and if you want to brew the best beer…
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Finding Joy

Our emotions are powerful things. They not only affect our attitude, they can have physical effects as well. Studies have shown that happier people are healthier and live longer. This means finding joy should be a priority. In certain situations that can be fairly easy. During a celebration, a vacation, or when being rewarded most…
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