Recent Posts by canvus

Start managing your small business inventory properly, today!

The world has made tremendous advances in technology and business methodologies over the past couple of decades. However, many companies still cannot properly keep up with the inventory they have and the changes which occur with their inventory. This is mainly due to a lack of proper inventory record maintenance and accuracy. For a lot…
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Professionalism in the Small Business Workplace

If you’re a hardworking small business owner, you’ve probably spent a lot of time in your business and may even feel close to those that work with you. However, it’s important to maintain a sense of professionalism while working. It’s wonderful that your small business has become like a second family to you, but a…
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Learn from your competition and get an online inventory system!

No matter how hard you work, chances are that someone out there is going to be competing with your small business whether it’s a big business or another local business. Instead of dreading the potential loss of customers, research and learn about your competition. Your rival business has to deal with a lot of the…
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Location, location, location: a small business inventory management story

You are a successful, small business owner that relies a lot on your online inventory system to make operations streamlined and profitable. You have multiple locations where you store your parts so just any small business inventory management system won't do. When you started your business, you only had one location where you stored your…
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