
Do It Right, or Do It Again

We often think that we are saving time by rushing through a project. The reality is that if we don’t do it right the first time we will have to do at least parts of it again to fix our mistakes. By the time we’re finished the second time, we will have spent longer working…
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To Get What You Want, Give Clear Directions

Christmas, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries - each time a gift-giving occasion passes people are reminded that vague hints are seldom a good way to get what you want. Managers would do well to remember this as well. Offering vague directions or assuming that employees understand what you expect often leads to disappointment when the results…
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Back on Track

It happens to the best of us, every now and then something happens that knocks us off our game. We get distracted, discouraged or disgruntled and suddenly the floodgates open and it seems like nothing is going our way. Personally, this is a less than optimal situation, professionally it’s even worse. The ripple effect on…
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