
Managing Recurring Projects

We all have recurring tasks. Some are daily: brush teeth, make bed, etc. Others are weekly: laundry, vacuuming, submit timesheet. Monthly tasks could include filing receipts, cleaning out files, paying bills. Then there are the annual tasks such as filing taxes and changing the batteries in the smoke detector. We need to make sure that…
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Summer Cleaning Superstar

If you’re like me you’ve been using the incessant heat to get to those cleaning tasks that didn't get the full treatment in the spring. There’s nothing like a few hot, sweltering days trapped in the house to help you catch the cleaning bug. The trouble with deep cleaning is that you often do so much it’s hard to…
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Work Day

In recent years there has been a bit of a trend to setting aside certain days for employees to focus on completing projects. Some large software companies devote these days to allowing employees to focus on personal interest projects, while others encourage employees to give back to their communities by volunteering during work time. On…
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Purpose Driven

Last week I got up at 5:45 AM only to learn that my 6:30 meeting was canceled. This morning I was again up at 5:45 AM only this time my appointment happened. I noticed that 5:45 felt radically different this time around, because this time there was a purpose that was met. Apply this lesson…
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