Category Archives: Home Inventory

Chaos or Creative Explosion

Often our reaction to something is determined by how we choose to see it. A simple test of this theory can be proven by observing individual responses to a series of photos. Someone who is frightened of dogs may shy away from a photos of large dogs while a dog lover will comment on how…
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The 5 Day Rule

You've heard of the 5 second rule. If food falls on the floor you can still eat it as long as you pick up before 5 seconds passes. Conversely, that means that if you let it lay there for more than 5 seconds you have to throw it away.  All new purchases should be subject…
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Tick Tock, Why Deadlines Are a Good Thing

When we think of deadlines we often imagine a ticking time bomb. This looming deadline after which things will explode if the project hasn't been properly completed. When viewed in this context a deadline seems negative and stressful. It seems like our lives would be easier, less complicated if we had a more fluid timeline…
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A Better Way

Most projects require the gathering of materials, followed by the need to put away any unused supplies when the project is completed. Often this is the worst part of the whole process.  The bigger issue is that we tend to put off that last step and leave the remaining supplies cluttered together in the wrong…
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