When in Doubt, Don’t Buy It!

home inventory systemIf you read our blog frequently, you know that we have lots of tips for managing the stuff you own. Today, we're going to talk about how you can avoid owning too much stuff in the first place.  Keep reading for some tips to help you streamline your shopping routine and save yourself time, money and a whole lot of headaches.

Retailers love the impulse buy. Any time they can get you to buy something you weren't planning on purchasing that is a bonus for them.  Most stores are designed to encourage impulse buys. From the candy and magazine racks at the grocery store checkout to the end caps in department stores, they are positioned to attract your attention and priced to make the purchase decision an easy one.  Those unplanned buys add up, and not just in cost. When you buy things you don't truly need you are just adding unnecessary clutter to your home. If you follow these tips you'll make better buying decisions and reduce the amount of stuff you need to store. Use Stockpile home inventory system and you'll be even better off.

  1. Make a list. Before you go shopping, whether it's the grocery store or the mall, make a list. If you don't know what you're shopping for you'll be much more open to buying things you don't need. If you have a list of specific items that you need, you'll stay more focused. Plus, if you remember to buy everything in one trip you'll avoid having to make a second trip in the near future.
  2. Set a time limit. You may not be in a hurry, but the more time you spend browsing the shops, the more likely you'll be to purchase extra items. When you only have a short time to shop you will focus on getting just what you need.
  3. Stick to a budget. Impulse buys are budget busters. These items that you don't need are unplanned expenses. Even if they seem cheap, they really do cost you in the long run. If you set a budget before each shopping trip you'll focus on allocating your funds to the items on your list and be less likely to give in to those spur of the moment purchases.
  4. Walk away, if it's not worth coming back for you shouldn't buy it. If you are tempted by something that you weren't planning to purchase walk away. If you really want it you'll come back to get it. If it seems like too much effort to walk back to that part of the store to pick it up, you'll know that it didn't really appeal to you that much in the first place. Sometimes just a few extra minutes is all it takes to convince yourself to pass up an item that you don't really need.
  5. Think, think, think. There are three things you should think about when making an unplanned purchase. What am I going to do with this? Where am I going to keep it? How does it make me feel? If you have a purpose for the item, a place to store it and you feel good about buying it - go ahead. If any of those questions are hard to answer or if you just start to feel bad about spending the money - walk away.  The very nature of an impulse buy is a lack of thought and consideration, taking a few minutes to think can save you from the trap.

Shop Smarter, Track Better | Stockpile Home Inventory System

Smarter shopping will save you so much in the long run. If you already own a lot of stuff, you need Stockpile home inventory system. Stockpile home inventory system is the small business inventory management solution that you need to manage your at home stuff. Stockpile home inventory system is fully customizable, so you can add the fields that make the most sense to you. You're not a retailer, you probably don't care about UPC symbols so leave them out of your item records. Want to describe items in detail? Go ahead. You can even include a photo in your item record so you can see exactly what the item looks like. Don't worry about misplacing items or forgetting where they are stored. With Stockpile home inventory system you can be as specific as you'd like about where things are kept. You can use areas and locations to pinpoint the spot. Next time you need that item you'll know right where to go to find it. Shop smarter and use Stockpile home inventory system to track your stuff and you'll save time and money. The benefits are endless. Try Stockpile home inventory system today!

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