Rainy Days Don’t Have to Be Bad for Business

robust inventory management solutionSpring days are usually warmer which is nice, but they may also come with their fair share of rain and that can be tough on your business. Some people will put off their errands if it's raining. Others will rush in and out trying to avoid bad weather. If your business typically benefits from customers spending extra time in your establishment a little rain can really cut into your profits. Keep reading for some tips on how to avoid the rainy day blues. We'll also tell you how to use a robust inventory management solution like Stockpile to make your business more efficient.

Be Safe

Safety is always important. You want your customers to be safe entering and exiting your business, and while they're inside. On days when the forecast calls for rain that may require some extra effort. If the weather is particularly gray you may need extra lighting to illuminate your area. To avoid slippery floors you may want to place extra waterproof mats around. Remember customers will be walking in soggy shoes, carrying wet umbrellas, and shaking off raincoats, hats, etc. That adds up to lots of potential puddles throughout your business. Providing coat racks and umbrella stands is one option. You can also offer plastic bags for visitors to contain their wet things while they are in your business. Not everyone will take advantage of these options though so you need to prepared for random slick spots. Train employees to keep an eye out for potential trouble areas and mop them up quickly.

Be Welcoming

Give your customers an extra reason to come in. Making your business more inviting on rainy days will encourage customers to come out. Offering snacks and warm drinks is a great way to make people feel welcome. Additional discounts or special promotions are also good incentives. Think about what would make you want to come out in the rain and see how your customers respond.

Be Productive 

If business is slower on rainy days use that downtime to your advantage. Having fewer customers could give you time to work on other projects and get ahead for the summer. Make sure that employees know what to do when they have extra time.

Grow, Grow, Grow 

Spring showers help the flowers grow and they can also help you grow your business. If you follow the tips above you won't have to dread bad weather. You'll be able to make the most of the opportunities that it provides and continue to succeed.

Try Stockpile 

Looking for a good project to implement? Try Stockpile. Adding item records is quick and easy. Because Stockpile is fully customizable you choose which fields to include in your records. This allows you to track the information that is important to you. Of course, you can use areas and locations to track where items are stored but you can also include a photo, warranty info, accessories, and more. Stockpile is available for free so access won't be an issue either. You can add as many users as you need to. You can even see your data from anywhere on a mobile device. Running reports is quick and easy as well. Stockpile puts so much power at your fingertips you'll wonder how you ever got by without it. Ready to see what we can do for you? Try Stockpile today!

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