In Good Times and Bad

small business inventory solutionWhen times are good it can be hard to keep up with business. You may have work than you can handle. Often the little niceties get lost in the hustle and bustle. It can be hard to focus on customer appreciation when your struggling just to deliver products and services on time. It's important to treat your customers well in good times and bad though. If you are too busy to show them courtesy when business is booming they may be less inclined to come back with the economy is bad. That's when you really need your loyal customers so making time for them now can pay big dividends in the long run. Keep reading for some ways to manage customer appreciation when you're overworked and how Stockpile small business inventory solution can help.

Automate It

Most businesses rely on technology for a number of tasks. If you have the ability to send out some automated customer appreciation messages you should do it. It can be a quick and easy way to reach out and let your customers know how much they mean to you. Often you can pen one message and have it delivered to unlimited recipients.

Social Media 

Another great way to reach lots of customers at once is through social media. When you post on various sites your customers will see in their news feed or notifications. Again, one quick message can reach a large audience.

Go Big!

If you're looking for a more personal approach hosting an event for your customers can give you a lot of bang for your buck. It will be a larger time commitment but you can reach a large audience with one concentrated effort.

Grin and Bear It

If you none of the above options sound good, you can always just smile at your customers. It's small, quick, and very personal. Even just taking an extra moment to ask how they're doing can make your customers feel appreciated.

Common Courtesy

Recently, I spoke with someone in a service industry who was coming to do work at my home. When I called to inquire whether he would be at my house to complete the scheduled service on time he told me that he didn't have time to talk to customers. I wasn't on his schedule for the day and he had no idea when I would be added. He also said he was "far too busy" and was shocked that I had his number at all. He hung up after telling me that he would get to my house when he could and if I wasn't home whichever day he made it by, too bad. I understand that right now the economy is doing well and he probably does have more business than he needs. It won't always be that way though. The economy is always cyclical. For every uptick there will be a downswing at some point. When that happens this vendor may be scrambling for customers, especially since he was so inconsiderate in the past. Practicing common courtesy is always a good business practice. If you're busy at work, chances are your customers are as well. Everyone has a myriad of things to do and everyone's time is valuable. Letting your customers know that you realize and appreciate that can earn you a lot of goodwill, particularly when there are so many vendors out there not practicing this courtesy.

Finding Time Where You Can 

Of course, every suggestion we made above takes some time. Finding time when you're juggling an abundance of customers can be hard. Thankfully, Stockpile small business inventory solution can help. If you have inventory you need Stockpile. Creating item records is quick and easy. Because Stockpile is fully customizable you choose which fields to add. This allows you to make Stockpile fit your unique business needs. You can track more than quantity and item location. You can also include details such as reordering info, pricing, vendor logistics and more. You can even include a photo in your records. Thanks to areas and locations you can be very specific about where items are stored. This makes it easy to locate inventory. Need more free time? Stockpile makes it easy to run reports and generate detailed snaps of your inventory. You can even access your inventory data when you're away from the office. Plus, Stockpile small business inventory solution is available for free and allows you to add additional users. This means you don't have to be the only person who can see your records. Sharing the load with other employees can really be a time saver. Ready to see what we can do for you? Try Stockpile today! 

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