Celebrate Good Times

online home inventory systemWe've done posts on organizing your holiday decorations with Stockpile. Today, we're going to talk about the stuff you use for your smaller celebrations. It is no less important than your big holiday stuff, but it is much more likely to end up misplaced or forgotten. Why? Simply because the pieces are typically smaller, and they may have been purchased at various times for different occasions so they are harder to match up in a central location from the very beginning.

Often, we buy special things for certain celebrations. A banner for a big birthday, a special plate for a great accomplishment, themed pieces for a party. Many times these pieces are sturdy enough that they can be reused for future celebrations, as long as you can find them. When you have a banner here, candles there and other miscellaneous pieces scattered throughout your home it can be easy to forget what you have. The next time you have a reason to celebrate you either rebuy things that you already own or you just do without for the party.

If you use Stockpile online home inventory system to track your celebratory supplies you'll always know what you have and where to find it. It's not guaranteed to make your party more fun, but it will certainly have you stressing less as you get ready.

Adding item records into Stockpile is quick and easy. Because Stockpile is fully customizable you can choose which fields to include in item records so you only have to add the info that is important to you. Worried about not recognizing an item based on description alone? You can include a photo in your item record so you can actually "see" what you've got.

Without Stockpile you need to be home to sort through stuff or rely on your memory to tell you what you have and what you need. Since Stockpile is mobile compatible you can access your data anytime from anywhere. Wondering whether that table centerpiece matches your banner? Wonder no more! Just a few clicks will pull up your item record and you'll be able to tell for sure. Why waste time and money buying things that won't match and won't get used? You want to get it right the first time. With Stockpile online home inventory system you can.

Remembering what you have is great, sometimes knowing where to find it is a whole other matter entirely. Stockpile makes it easy to pinpoint where items are stored, even if they are spread out in various locations throughout your home. Using areas and locations allows you to be very specific about where things are stored. Forget vague notations about something being stored in the bonus room, you can specify which bin on what shelf something is kept on. You may want to keep banners, leftover streamers, table scatter and more in the attic or outdoor storage area but you definitely wouldn't want to keep candles or other fragile, meltable items out there. Likewise, plates, cake pans and other kitchenware might be better protected inside your home as well.  With Stockpile you have all your items in one place online no matter how far apart they physically are within your home.  Store things in the way that makes the most sense to protect them and keep them usable.

Celebrate More Thanks to Stockpile Online Home Inventory System

Having a great system for keeping track of your stuff is something worth celebrating. Make all your celebrations happier by using Stockpile online home inventory system. When you can find what you need, when you need it that's something to celebrate. If you're ready to get started today - sign up for Stockpile now!

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