Category Archives: Inventory System

Stockpile is the world’s best online inventory system. Canvus Apps is a leader in small business technology. Free products, now and always!

A Rose By Any Other Name….

A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but it is sure to annoy the heck out of whoever is trying to help you locate one. I was standing in a store recently choking back laughter as I listened to a woman repeatedly (and with some frustration) ask an employee where she could…
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For many of us, the last few months have involved time spent with extended family. It’s often interesting when people who seldom see one another get together. Depending on your family dynamic, this can result in added stress or increased merriment. Regardless of which end of the spectrum your family falls on, most people have…
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Working Through Distractions

In a perfect world we would be able to focus completely on any task. Of course, we don’t live in that kind of utopia. Often, we have to work through distractions. This divided focus can have a negative effect on any job that we undertake. Fortunately, technology can help. For example, we built low alert…
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Continued Coaching For Success

Last post, we offered some advice from legendary coaches on how to build your team. Today, we’re back with more words of wisdom to help you motivate those teams so that your small business continues to grow and succeed. We've used these techniques even within our own company to deliver the best online inventory management…
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