Category Archives: Home Inventory

Device Domination

Don't be fooled by the title, we're not talking about devices taking over the world (although that is a distinct possibility). This post is all about how you can take control of your devices. In today's increasingly connected world, even school kids have multiple devices. Cell phone, tablet, laptop, computer, printer, TV streaming device, wireless speakers;…
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All That Glitters

You may not have a collection to rival the Queen of England's, but you probably have some jewelry.  Even those who prefer simple classic pieces tend to accumulate an assortment over the years. Bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, tie tacks, money clips. All of these have to be stored somewhere. If you only have a few…
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Working Hard or Hardly Working

It's an old joke, "Are you working hard or hardly working?" Typically hard work was the prized response and hardly working meant you were loafing on the job. If you work smarter and have tools that work for you it can feel like you're hardly working while still getting the job done.  That can allow…
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Emerging From Hibernation

Sometimes it feels like we have been hibernating all winter and we can't wait to get out and start enjoying the warmer spring weather.  Temps above freezing and the slightest bit of pale sun is all it takes to draw us out.  This can be a challenging time of year though.  The weather is still…
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