Bag Lady Blues

Bag lady syndrome isn't something that only afflicts women. There are guys out there with multiple backpacks, messenger bags, and more. That's why we're bringing this post with some tips on how Stockpile free easy home inventory solution can help you manage your bag collection.

The first step in curtailing this issue is to admit you have a problem. If you have more bags than you can keep track of, you need Stockpile. If you have bags in multiple closets and cabinets, you need Stockpile. If you've ever pulled a bag out and been amazed that you own it, you need Stockpile free easy home inventory solution. Now that we're all on the same page, keep reading to learn how Stockpile can help you take control of your collection.

The first thing you need to do is locate all the bags in your home. Taking the time to gather all the bags will really help you make the most of Stockpile. Once you have your entire collection in one place you can sort them by category. You can sort them by any method that makes sense to you. You can sort them by brand, use, style, color, or any other criteria that works for you.

Look at your piles and decide where each group should be stored. You may want handbags in the closet in the master bedroom but backpacks might be better kept by the front door. After you've made these critical decisions you're ready to start creating item records.

Adding records is quick and easy. Stockpile is fully customizable so you choose which fields to include in item records. Stockpile is designed to fit your unique needs. Remember that Stockpile free easy home inventory solution will only be as useful as you make it. We recommend adding details such as style, size, color, brand, and purchase date. Why purchase date? This information can be useful if you need to order a part or replace an item. If a bag wears out in less than a year you may not want to buy that particular brand/style/model again. Or it may still be covered warranty, in which case you should contact the manufacturer for replacement or repair procedures. To learn more about using Stockpile to track warranty info check out this previous post.

Of course, you'll want to use areas and locations to pinpoint where the bags are going to be stored. This is one of the biggest benefits of using Stockpile free easy home inventory solution. Thanks to areas and locations you can easily find what you're looking for. No more searching room by room trying to remember where you put something. Just a few clicks allows you to access your item record and you'll know exactly where to look.

This functionality can be used even when you're away from home. Stockpile is mobile compatible so you can easily look at your inventory on your mobile device anywhere you have internet access.

The Free Easy Home Inventory Solution

We all know that items seldom stay in one place. That's okay. Stockpile makes it easy to track items as they move around your home. Transferring items from one location to another is a simple matter of going into the record and changing the area or location. As long as you keep your records up to date they'll continue to work for you.

Stockpile free easy home inventory solution is so quick and easy to use. Plus, it's available for free. What have you got to lose? Try Stockpile today!

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